Germany leads the world... to financial Armageddon and other stories

Sep 30, 2016, 02:12 PM

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Here’s our latest joyous look at the week’s events.

Join Georgie Frost, Simon Lambert and Lee Boyce for money mirth with a few nervous laughs on top.

We’re possibly staring global financial Armageddon in the face again as Germany’s biggest bank owes more money in fines than it’s worth while it sits on TRILLIONS of pounds of complex debt that no one appears to understand.

UK banks were bailed out to the tune of around £500bn after the 2008 crisis, paid for by cutting Government spending and disability allowances and the like.

But Germany is refusing to consider any such aid and austerity.

The second biggest bank in Germany is also now in deep trouble as it announced 10,000 job cuts.

The knock on effects are starting to resonate around the world.

What happens next is worth a ringside seat.

Also on the show:

Help to buy is to die – it was a policy dreamt up by our already forgotten former PM David Cameron and sidekick George Osborne to increase house prices

Aldi takes on Waitrose – the supermarket (German) too popular for its own car parks is set to expand

Unusual money-saving tips – avoiding amazon, hiding money and more

BHS is back - but with 99.5% fewer employees

Long-term investing – it works

How to choose a mortgage – as a lifestyle choice not a panic purchase

And finally

This week’s two-minute rant – why 2-year fixed mortgages are so popular probably has more to do with bankers’ commission than decent deals

Reading list: Other People's Money: Masters of the Universe or Servants of the People? By John Kay

Watch list: The Big Short movie is now on Netflix