HTE 271: [Going Deep] on Direct Marketing | Brian Kurtz
This is our second episode in our new [Going Deep] series, where we remove the hack and go deep into a topic of real value to you, the entrepreneur. Today’s guest has recently ended a 34-year career as a serial direct marketer, and has now made the transition from intrapreneur to entrepreneur. My guest made this transition while taking Boardroom Inc., which he worked within and later became a partner of, from around $3 million in revenues in 1981 to a high of $150 million, and creating marketing messages that have reached well over 1 billion people. As of last January, my guest made the official and final step into entrepreneurship with the launch of his own consulting business. To kick off, he held a conference called The Titans of Direct Response and featured today’s greatest direct marketing entrepreneurs. Now, let’s hack… Brian Kurtz.