How to “Crash” Your Way into Starting a Business with Sasha Eslami

Aug 24, 2015, 10:01 AM

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Sasha is the founder and CEO of Eversnap which is a mobile app to share pictures from any event. After getting fired from a corporate job in Atlanta, he moved to silicon valley to pursue his startup dream. After moving to silicon valley, he hustled his way to start his own company Eversnap. You can reach Sasha through email.

  Links Eversnap and Eversnappro

Article: How to Crash any Event by Sasha

Sasha writes at Recommendations Mixergy for interviews of successful entrepreneurs

Book: Earn the Right to Win by Tom Coughlin What I learnt Seeing things in a positive light is essential for entrepreneurship

Don't get married to your idea. Be willing to tweak it based on feedback

Reading biographies helps you understand the mindset of successful people