Taking the Leap of Faith with Raj Sidharthan

Aug 31, 2015, 10:00 AM

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Raj Sidharthan left his stable corporate job to start his own UX design firm, Freshdesign. After becoming an entrepreneur, Raj landed big name clients like Facebook, Adobe and HP. Raj joined me to lend some words of wisdom about becoming an entrepreneur, and the empowerment that comes with taking control of your own destiny.


In this session, Raj discusses:

Taking that leap of faith from well-paying job to becoming an entrepreneur
How some personal circumstances inspired him to go outside of his comfort zone and start his own business
The importance of setting up a company framework (payroll, billing, business entity etc.) prior to jumping into business
How the definition of “entrepreneurship” goes well beyond a product-based model
The paradox of taking that “leap of faith” into entrepreneurship, while simultaneously being in control of your own future.
How to deal with uncertainties in the world of entrepreneurship and how new challenges motivate him to keep going forward
Advice for people who are dreaming about starting a business, but having doubts about leaving their secure job to be successful on their own.

Resources Freshdesign

Book: Who moved my cheese by Spencer Johnson

Book: Crossing The Chasm by Geoffrey A. Moore