Building Your Own Platform with Vikrant Mathur

Oct 30, 2015, 06:41 AM

Episode image

Vikrant Mathur is the CEO of  Vikrant came to the US for grad school and was able to hustle his way into landing a job prior to graduating.  He worked a few different jobs, until he was able to get on at Microsoft.  Vikrant was a part of a group of freshly minted MBA’s at Microsoft, and he was able to learn the leadership skills he needed to jump into the start-up world.

Vikrant joined me today on Breaking The Borders to discuss all the aspects of starting  Listen to this episode to learn:

What it takes to build an online platform
Ways to decide your niche for your online business
How to drive traffic to your business
Where to find a virtual team to run the day to day tasks 
The importance of being first in your category
Ways to leverage free press stories to drive traffic to you
How to take advantage of word of mouth advertising for your launch
Why they didn’t consider YouTube a competitor
How they scaled to make their full time jobs and the timing of it
How to mitigate the risks of a start up
Ways to pursue your dream without having to leave your job
How investing in yourself can make the risk worthwhile
Ways to start with no venture capital
Why getting investment may not be the best thing for your start up

Mentions: Seth Godin’s Podcast and Purple Cow Blue Ocean Strategy You can connect with Vibrant on LinkedIn You can visit Vibrant's website at