How to travel the world following your passion with Subash Jayaraman

Jan 25, 2016, 05:13 PM

Episode image

When your passion overtakes your work, it's time to make your passion your work. Subash Jayaraman loved Cricket as long as he can remember. He’s never not had Cricket in his life. Growing up in India, Cricket was always a part of his family life. He came to the US in 1998, and he found that he could not follow Cricket as much as he could when he was in India.

Subash started his writing endeavors with a personal blog. A traumatic situation in his youth provided some writing inspiration. Once he wrote about his personal story of abuse, he found that he could almost write about anything. You can learn more about Subash by listening to the episode:

Started writing as a personal blog
How his blog helped shape him as a person
What he did to allow the space to write about personal tragedy
3 or 4 years into his blog, he found out everything he was writing was about Cricket
Social media became critical for the success of his blog
How reading blogs helped him craft his writing style
Why Subash never paid attention to his numbers for his blog
His motivation for writing about Cricket
How he earns a living by traveling to watch Cricket matches
The role his wife played in this crazy adventure
Why it took 2 years to get to the point of carrying out his plan
How much he had to save to make his dream happen
How Subash transitioned from a job to full time Cricket immersion
How he travels the world full time to enjoy Cricket
Why getting to close to your passion can ruin it
How he ended his trip around the world with $400 left of his savings

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