How to be a Serial Entrepreneur: Meet Someone with Vision, Perseverance and Flexibility.

Sep 16, 2016, 10:00 AM

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Do you have what it takes to be a lifelong entrepreneur? David Fox does. He has been an entrepreneur since he was ten years old, selling vegetables to neighbors from his backyard garden. Since then, he has continued to dream about and invest in the next thing.

David works with Strategic Value Advisors and helps established business owners plan transitions out of their companies. He builds the road map for how to accomplish that transition - which may take place over several years. “I work with company owners to grow value, prepare for funding, management succession, and ownership transition.” He compares his role to that of a quarterback or a symphony conductor; he has the experience to know what he’s talking about.

David offers us 4 keys pieces of advice: 1. Money is a magnifier only 2. Don't be public with your earnings 3. Be cautious about how you spend it 4. Be a lifelong learner Join us as we follow David’s childhood influences, then learn about several of the many companies David has started as time and time again he was on the forefront of trends in technology and business.

Why David’s family moved across Australia, to Sydney to start their retail business.
Why a meager childhood did not feel like a deprived childhood.
Seeing his dad start again with $1,000, and succeed in retail - again.
Selling veggies from his garden to his neighbors at the age of 10, his first solo venture.
How purchasing his first Mac influenced his path of entrepreneurship.
Being on the forefront of software and hardware distribution.
Experiencing, essentially, a divorce, a death and a disagreement within his business.
Starting again and seeking funding for a new business venture with Instant Access.
The World Wide Web: Seeing the possibilities.
Taking a risk: Developing an affiliate based online business in the United States.
How an  Angel Investor helped sustain their development when they were broke.
Selling to ivillage and what they learned.
Where David is now, as well as several words of wisdom.


Strategic Value Advisors By email: david [at] davidfox [dot] com