Ghostly Revenge | Ghosts, Paranormal, Supernatural and Unexplained
A woman is visited by her sister after death, if nothing more than to show that she is back to her old self. Shunned by society, two sisters from the early 1900's seek revenge where their home once stood. A boy's perception of his grandmother changes drastically after witnessing her encounter with the undead. A difficult lesson is leaned after a girl tempts fate in a dare at the urging of her friends. The cry of a newborn baby alarms two picnickers when there is no one around. Justice may not be served in life, but the victim of abuse is given a sign that he may be paying for his crimes in the afterlifeIf you have a real ghost story or supernatural event to report, please write into our show or call! Visit or call-in your ghost story 24/7 at 1-855-853-4802 .