Ep. 35 - #BadReboot
Steph is out this week! Tim, Jeff & Ira have their #badreboot suggestions, Tim is still trying to raise funds, staff picks, comedian talk and a lot more.
Staff Picks:
Tim Ozzy and Jack's World Detour (History Channel) http://www.history.com/shows/ozzy-and-jacks-world-detour
Jeff The Boogie Monster Podcast https://twitter.com/BoogieMnstrPod
Ira The Whites: A Novel (Richard Price) https://www.amazon.com/Whites-Novel-Richard-Price/dp/0805093990
#Preacher, #SuicideSquad, #DaveStone, #RichardPrice, #GoFundMe, #JJAbrams, #TonyRobbins, #Iamnotyourguru, #JimBakker, #OzzyOsbourne, #OzzyandJacks, #HistoryChannel