Points of Departure (Royal Victoria)

Aug 08, 2016, 04:23 PM

Episode image

Royal Victoria reimagined by Jon Nicholls.

"I've always been struck by how passengers on the Underground (myself included!) seem very easily to fall into interior, introspective states while in transit. I've treated the journey from Royal Victoria DLR as a sort of dreamscape, in the course of which reality is inter / under-cut by abstract interludes which take fragments of real sound as their points of departure.

The structure of the piece very simply follows the structure of the source material, anchored around a few key recurring motifs. It's also inspired by the wave-like energy of the arrival and departure of the trains themselves, and the voices of the passengers / dreamers."

Part of our project The Next Station, reimagining the sounds of the London Underground and creating the first ever tube sound map. August 2016 - for more information see www.citiesandmemory.com/thenextstation