They Dream Their Sleep (Victoria tube station)

Aug 08, 2016, 03:20 PM

Episode image

Reimagined by Jeff Dungfelder.

"I reimagined the Victoria Tube Station field recording by considering sound in the context of dreaming (particularly dreaming underground). This comes from watching and photographing sleeping people on the subway in New York City, and fascination with my own dreams. The act of dreaming while traveling underground seems universal. I aim to capture the thoughts, visions, and feelings one might experience in London, New York, or anywhere in the world.

The selection of the Oblique Strategies card, "Think: Inside the work, Outside the work," further influenced me in the creation of this song.

The song's title is taken from a favourite line in an E.E. Cummings poem: “...all by all and deep by deep, and more by more they dream their sleep”."

Part of our project The Next Station, reimagining the sounds of the London Underground and creating the first ever tube sound map. August 2016 - for more information see