BBCrLondon 5/8/16: Peter Saunders says VSCP will make sure @IICSA_media doesn't deliver 'no change.' | Really? How?

Aug 07, 2016, 09:49 AM

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Can we rely on the VSCP to make sure failure doesn't happen as Peter Saunders suggests?

It's an imaginative claim because the VSCP advises on process and support for survivors, but does not ‘represent’ survivors. It can do little more than this under the ambit of the Inquiries Act. Its function is therefore an adjunct to the main business of IICSA. Here are the VSCP ToR's, authored by its members and approved by the Inquiry Executive : . MN wrote about its flawed formation on 13th April 2015 : ,

Unfortunately VSCP members have taken to appearing in the media on high days and crisis days to impart an on script message from a 'victim.' This carries great danger and one that MN thinks VSCP members should cease. Here is another example: and yet another .

Most of us are keen to hear from an official inquiry spokesperson, someone at the centre of the inquiry speaking with authority. Where is this person?