Robbie Holz, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing and Awakening

Jun 25, 2016, 05:28 PM

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After experiencing his own healing, Gary became known for his healing abilities on people and pets. Gary has transitioned, Robbie remains in contact.

Robbie Holz shares her experience with Gary and her own journey of transformation and healing. She healed herself of Hepatitis C and also worked with Aboriginal healers in Australia.
The Aboriginal Earth story is beyond what any history book can offer - at 60,000 years. Survivors who carry the thread of origin of life on planet Earth without need of written documentation because they embody it. Their gift at this time of world transition is to allow it to be written for transmission to a wider audience. It is my hope their wisdom facilitates in awakening of consciousness on a grand scale.

We talk about Robbie's Book, Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening. And we step back with a refresh on the first book, written with her husband Gary: Secrets of Aboriginal Healing - A Physicist's Journey with a Remote Australian Tribe.

Endorsement - "...allows us a special glimpse into the heart of Aboriginal world. It offers us insights into an ancient system of healing that touches on all aspects of wellness, from the physical to the spiritual to the emotional." - Joy Parker, Co-author of Woman Who Glows in the Dark (link is to the version I own or link to Amazon Prime) and Maya Cosmos.

"Written at the request of the Aboriginal healers Gary Holz worked with, this book reveals the beliefs and principles of the 60,000-year-old healing system of the Aborigines of Australia, the world's oldest continuous culture."

Excerpts of Reader Reviews on Amazon:
1. "As a successful scientist with absolute beliefs that there is no such thing as Spirits or alternative healing methods, he is faced with only a few months to live, when he finds himself following his "intuition" and travels to Australia to live in an Aboriginal village and be healed by the village healers. During his stay, his whole belief system is "re-programmed" to the understanding that we are all connected and actually are the "creators" of our own lives, and dis-eases. He learns that by changing our beliefs, we can bring about greater health, happiness, and real wealth in our lives."

2. Opinionated Reader says 5.0 out of 5 stars. I was not disappointed. This book was inspiring, to say the least. I read this hoping to gain some insight into how I might cure my rheumatoid arthritis, and I was not disappointed.

Synchronicity - The morning of this interview I heard a voice as I was laying in bed. Clear as a bell, as if it was right beside me. Beautiful and resonant. It simply said my name. I believe it to be a telepathic connect from an Aboriginal source and an affirmation of multidimensional consciousness. We are all connected. The abilities shared via Robbie and Gary are tools each of us can tap into - if and when we are called.

Connect with Robbie Holz. Link.