WMAL Interview - AL WEAVER - 06.06.16

Jun 07, 2016, 05:13 PM

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INTERVIEW — AL WEAVER — Campaign Reporter with the Washington Examiner

TOPIC: Latest campaign news:
Primary day preview: How California and the other primary states are shaping up for Clinton and Sanders… Clinton close to clinching: Jun 7 Primary: North Dakota · 18 delegates…. California · 475 delegates…. Montana · 21 delegates…New Jersey · 126 delegates…. New Mexico · 34 delegates …. South Dakota · 20 delegates
Clinton tells ABC This Week that she will have “significant majority of pledged delegates” after Tuesday’s primaries.
Priebus calls on Trump to ‘evolve’ on Hispanic outreach
Sanders finally hits Clinton Foundation over foreign donations. Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders criticized the Clinton Foundation for accepting donations from foreign governments in an interview aired Sunday, calling it a conflict of interest.  “Do I have a problem when a sitting secretary of State and a foundation run by her husband collects many, many dollars from foreign governments — governments which are dictatorships? “Yeah, I do have a problem with that. Yeah, I do,” Sanders said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”  When host Jake Tapper asked if he thought it was a conflict of interest, Sanders said, “I do.”