The dark art of banking and getting a mortgage

May 20, 2016, 05:03 PM

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Have banks been let off the hook again? That's been the reaction to the CMA report into retail banking.

In this week's This is Money podcast with Share Radio, Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce and Georgie Frost look at whether we should be doing more to break-up the big banks and why many years on from the rip-off bank charges battle, they've just been told to clean up their act.

Also on this week's show we discuss the dark art of mortgage affordability calculators - and why some lenders seem to offer the same test couple £200,000 more than others.

We also ask what next for the property market and buy-to-let? The landlord stamp duty stampede sent buy-to-let purchases rocketing - and many investors may have been involved in a bit of false economy - but will the market stall now?

And Andy Haldane, of the Bank of England, listen up, we've explained how pensions work to help you understand them after you said you couldn't.