Walking the Walk: Next Steps Against Family Violence

Jul 03, 2015, 02:15 PM

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The Wheeler Centre

We investigate what a real, practical change in Australia’s relationship to family violence might look like – and grapple with questions of policy – with 2015 Australian of the Year and anti-family violence advocate Rosie Batty, Human Rights Law Centre executive director Hugh de Kretser, sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick, and co-chair of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples and the National Justice Coalition, Kirstie Parker.

With host (and Women's Legal Service Victoria CEO) Joanna Fletcher, our panellists explore what a proper and nuanced response to the complex issue of family violence might entail, and weigh up the roles of law enforcement, government, communities and the legal profession.

Presented in partnership with Human Rights Law Centre and Women's Legal Service Victoria.

The panel, from left to right: Rosie Batty, Kirstie Parker, Joanna Fletcher, Elizabeth Broderick and Hugh de Kretser