Podcasts: What Are You... Listening to? #BATeenCast

Apr 25, 2016, 03:47 PM

Episode image

Pete and Jeff, part of the Blind Abilities team toss out a few Podcasts that they listen to on a regular basis. This is not a complete list and there will be more to come. Podcasts mentioned You can open your Podcatcher of choice and search for the titles. the Podcast titles are as follows:

iAccessVO NoSillaCast Eyes Free Fitness (BlindAlive) Main Menu (ACB Radio) Blind Abilities Mac break Weekly on The TWIT Network The Tech Doctor Blog and Podcast The Audacity to Podcast School of Podcasting Applevis podcast Abilities Stories iSee

We hope you like our short list and if you have a Podcast or if you have a list of Podcasts send us an email at info@BlindAbilities.com and share your gems.