The Trainer Road Challenge | 1. Training

Mar 21, 2016, 06:05 AM

Episode image

March 21 | Back in the autumn a company called Trainer Road approached The Cycling Podcast offering to sponsor our episodes over the winter.

But there was a catch. They wanted our hosts to follow a Trainer Road turbo training programme throughout the winter, track their improvements and then race head-to-head over four kilometres at Manchester velodrome.

So Richard Moore, Lionel Birnie and Eurosport's Rob Hatch (standing in for Daniel Friebe) began training.

In this episode, follow the story so far, hear how Trainer Road works and how Coach Chad rates each rider's progress...

Episode two will tell the story of The Race.

With thanks to Trainer Road, whose sponsorship has contributed significantly towards The Cycling Podcast being able to provide weekly free-to-air episodes over the past five months.