Episode 17 :: The Force Awakens Trailer & The Secrets of Secret Cinema

Oct 26, 2015, 12:00 AM

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State of the Empire is Nerdy Show’s Star Wars speculation podcast where we “look for news in Alderaan places”.

A great silence followed Force Friday, but now that silence has been smashed and The Force Awakens' hype train is on the move again! Episode VII's first full length trailer is out and many online ticket services cried out and were suddenly silenced as millions of fans bricked them in the quest for tickets. The narrative of The Force Awakens is coming into focus and many details we've discussed in past episodes of State of the Empire are now public knowledge. But hey, we're Force adept, not full-on psychic Jedi - there's still many secrets to be picked apart.

Join Cap, Matt, Doug, and Consequence of Sound Editor-in-Chief Mike Roffman as we voice concerns over Starkiller Base, aka "Giant Hurt Ball 3", aka "The Pokéball of Doom", as well as which stars might get killed. The latest Star Wars media from Rebels to novels and comics are rife with not just exciting new adventures but clues to the shape of the newly expanding universe. We share all the latest insights and call in two London Bothans to report on what they saw at Secret Cinema's interactive Empire Strikes Back spectacular.

For links and more info, head to the main episode page: http://nerdyshow.com/2015/10/state-of-the-empire-17/