Episode 244 :: Pardon Our Mess or... Doug is Sad He's Not DiCaprio
Spiraling from the year-end chaos the holidays bring comes... Nerdy Show!
If this is your first episode, let us stop you right here folks. Perhaps we can direct you to our Greatest Hits page where you'll find our finest adventures. THIS episode goes deep. In some cases, Inception deep. Before we return to your regularly scheduled Nerdy Show, we wanted to do an impromptu community update explaining where we've been, where we are, and where we're headed.
Join Cap and Doug for an unedited community update ramble through the craziness that comes from the year's end, the various Nerdy Show productions in development, and on a completely unrelated note: a dream Cap had starring Tim and Eric, John C. Reilly, Leonardo DiCaprio, and a cast of performers in flesh-colored banana suits. We've also got some tips for what YOU can do to help Nerdy Show get a leg up in this competitive, crazy podcast world. In the months to come we'll keep you posted on what we're cooking up and how you can help - and on the flip side let us know how we can better serve your infotainment needs!
For links and more info, head to the main episode page: http://nerdyshow.com/2016/01/nerdy-show-244-pardon-our-mess-or-doug-is-sad-hes-not-dicaprio