Reimagined knitting factory

Jan 25, 2016, 04:23 PM

Episode image

Part of our Dada Sound project (February 2016) - see more at

By Sirpa Jokinen.

" There was a small knitting factory in Brooklyn. The building is still there but not the factory.

In 2005 I walked past the place with recording equipment and went in to ask if I could record the soundscape. Despite the noise the workers seemed quite happy and one was singing.

In Finnish language the word spinning means also cat's purring. When I was in the factory they were spinning red yarn. In the soundwork there is also purring sound of my persian cat Sunflower from that time. She died ten years ago.

The DADA technique I use is collage combining found pieces to make a new poetic whole. There are also pieces from a poetry reading recorded during the same trip as the DADA art is often about language. The poets were asked and they gave permission for recording and using their voices in soundworks."