Mortlake train station

Jan 24, 2016, 12:09 PM

Episode image

Part of our Dada Sound project (February 2016) - see more at By Allysse Riordan.

"For this piece I recorded the sounds of my local train station. Trains for me still represent the industrial revolution and the changes it brought in people’s way of living and warfare. So it seems fitting to use those sounds for a Dada piece. Coming back home I deconstructed the sounds, so that I could focus on their rhythm and texture rather than a narrative and follow on dadaists’ delight of the sounds themselves. I mixed and intersected the same sounds within themselves, I used collages, and eventually built this piece. One of the last sound is not from my recording session at the train station but from Brighton. It reminded me of the rhythm of the wheels of a passing train that had gone into a sudden sound flourish."