1/21/16 Procedurally Generated
Henry Bell, Max Hamilton, John Carson and Tom Schreier have an in-depth discussion on Tom Clancy's The Division and MMOs, praise Half-Life for allowing a fan to create a sequel for their game and wish Metal Gear Solid would do the same with Shadow Moses. Also, an Xbox 360 Supreme Court case, a game developer in Iran being released and Minecraft in the classroom. Be sure to follow the show on Twitter: @pg_show And follow Cold Omaha: @ColdOmahaMN #tomclancy #thedivision #valve #halflife #supremecourt #iran #minecraft #educationedition #metalgearsolid #shadowmoses #undertale #mariomaker #hearthstone #witcher3 #floprocket #crashlands #explodingkittens #dragonsdogma #diablo3 #talesfromtheborderlands #zheros #fallout4