Jedermann sein eigner Fussball

Jan 14, 2016, 12:55 PM

Episode image

Part of our Dada Sound project (February 2016) - see more at By Gidouille

We have taken this recording and done the following to it; after processing for compatibility it was played on our BastlInstruments Microgranny 2.0 granular sampler. This was done 3 times. (All the sound in the finished piece derives from the 12 second field recording, just to be clear.) The first version was played at "live speed", the second was played speeded up and the third slowed down. In all 3 instances granulation was applied so that the sample took more time than 12 seconds to play through, and 5 minutes (near enough) of each version was recorded. Each of the 3 versions was recorded as a track on a Boss BR-80 digital recorder. All were played at the same volume on the Microgranny via an attached speaker - a cardboard Phone speaker that only has an on/off switch. The three tracks were then mixed together on the Boss and mastered. All three were mixed with the same volume etc settings so that there was no chance that any one of them might in some way "predominate". The mastering produced the Wav file you now have. How is this "Dada"? Specifically - there was a huge element of CHANCE in the final outcome. We knew what each of the three tracks sounded like individually but did not know what the final product of the mastering would be until we heard it after the event.

Secondly, the way that we have played the three tracks "over" each other can be seen as our effort to continue the tradition of the Simultaneous Poem - ours is a chant not a poem evidently - begun at the Cabaret Voltaire by Tristan Tzara, Marcel Janco and Richard Huelsenbeck.