#58: Of Course with Kirk Fox

Dec 16, 2015, 06:26 PM

Episode image

Long time friend and rhetorical master Kirk Fox joins me. I met Kirk going to the Aspen comedy festival in 2006 right after he quit professional tennis to be a comedian. He won new faces that year and if there was another aspen this year he'd probably win "known faces." He's on a new CBS show playing a cop but I'm pretty sure he's just being a cop. After they wrap the season he will for sure follow up on some more leads and solve the cases these "writers" keep claiming they made up. This episode will confuse you, teach you, make you laugh, and possibly angry at times. Did Kirk really save that guy from an elevator of Japanese people? Did he really hammer those .22 caliber bullets on the train track into his knee? In the end? Kirk is a lot like gold or the criteria the Academy Award judges follow. It's whatever you feel like it is. check out his twitter @kirkfox it's ridiculously funny check out my documentary 60minutes7days.com some of you are in it! there is a donate button for the next one. I had 0 dollar budget for this one and had to do a bunch of stuff myself I'm not great at like editing or sound. Anything would help for round two. Or just spread it around if you like it which is equally if not more helpful. I'll be at "The Comedy Club" in Webster, NY thur-sunday this week and Kallet Theatre in Pulaski New York (basically my home town) this sunday so my parents don't have to drive to Rochester in the winter. Come out. email me anything at whydidnttheylaughpodcast@gmail.com and I will respond to you within a month. Just finished a couple of the songs people have requested from owenbenjamin.com and if you haven't gotten yours it's comin! Much love, happy holidays everyone.