Budget Day fallout - autumn style

Nov 27, 2015, 05:52 PM

Episode image

As shoppers plotted a course this week through the complicated array of bargains spewed into stores for Black Friday, the Chancellor was hatching a plot of his own to keep news of a £91bn tax raid out of his Autumn Statement.

Editor Simon Lambert and consumer affairs editor Lee Boyce join Share Radio presenter Georgie Frost for a fun look at this mini-Budget - and shopping.

As with all of these things, the devil’s in the retail.

Are graduates really going to foot the bill for increased pensions?

Are the buy-to-let tax changes going to kill off buy-to-let?

What are these help-to-buy Isas?

The Chancellor may have announced that he’s going to build 400,000 new homes – but where on Earth is he going to put them?
‘I want to see a map, George Osborne!’ demands Lee.

Simon admits to getting very excited about negative interest rates, where banks charge customers to look after their savings.
Also being discussed:

The latest news on Isa rates

When phishing scams arrive by SMS and become smishing

And shopping. Does anyone actually like the Black Friday shopping event?