Living with Beauty: Sangha Day and the Urban Retreat

Episode 254,   Nov 21, 2015, 01:12 PM

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Munisha introduces the Urban Retreat on Sangha Day, Stockholm Buddhist Centre 21 November 2015. The music is "Erbarme Dich", from the St Matthew Passion by JS Bach, with mezzo soprano Janet Baker. The poem is A High Blue Day on Scalpay, by Kenneth White. Here it is, with Viryabodhi's translation into Swedish.

A High Blue Day on Scalpay

This is the summit of contemplation, and no art can touch it Blue, so blue, the far-out archipelago and the sea shimmering, shimmering No art can touch it, the mind can only try to become attuned to it To become quiet, and space itself out, to become open and still, unworlded Knowing itself in the diamond country, in the ultimate unlettered light.

Kenneth White

En blåhimmelsdag på Scalpay

Det här är kontemplationens höjdpunkt, och ingen konst kan fånga den; blå, så blå, skärgården långt därute och det skimrande havet, skimrande, ingen konst kan fånga det, sinnet kan bara försöka stämma in med det: att bli stilla, vidga sig utåt, att bli öppen och stilla, bortomvärldslig och fånga sig själv i Diamantlandet, i det yttersta ordlösa ljuset.

Kenneth White, translated into Swedish by Viryabodhi