r4today 31/10/15 discusses FGM legislation that starts today. Naana Otoo-Oyortey's comments are most observant.

Oct 31, 2015, 12:01 PM

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Naana Otoo-Oyortey is from FORWARD (Foundation for Woman's Health Research and Development )and Dr Claire Gerada is a GP who formerly chaired the Royal College of General Practitioners..

The alleged Mandatory Reporting legislation is muddled, poorly introduced, void of training,, and appears to be little more than stable door legislation with few preventative qualities as far as we are able to discern. We are though willing to bear correction gracefully if presented with reasoned argument / evidence.

Dr Gerada seems to mistakenly suggest legislation exists that requires the medical profession to report child abuse. She is mistaken. England, Wales and Scotland are three of the few countries in the world which still operate discretionary reporting of suspected and known child abuse. Reporting child abuse in the UK (excluding Northern Ireland) is merely a professional expectation which had it worked, the existence of IICSA would have been unnecessary. Here is another example of the medical profession getting the facts wrong http://goo.gl/bGJEjz

Naana Otoo-Oyortey seems to be on the right track.