''Alive they took them, alive we want them'

Sep 26, 2015, 08:20 PM

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A year today 43 students from a rural teachers college in Ayotzinapa in the Mexican state of Guerrero disappeared. To date, nobody knows what happened on the night of September 26, 2014, when the students disappeared while traveling from Ayotzinapa to the nearby city of Iguala. However Video footage which surfaced last year shows a violent clash between the students and what appear to be local police officers. During the violent confrontation twenty students were injured, six were killed while 43 disappeared. The disappearances have caused outrage in Mexico. Today thousands were expected to take to the streets of Mexico City to mark the anniversary and to draw international attention to the country's appalling and deepening human rights crisis.

In Dublin, the Latin America Solidarity Centre (LASC) remembered the students. Outside the Mexican Embassy 43 red roses were placed on each of their names while red ribbons were tied to the Embassy railings. Chris O' Connell of LASC reminded those who gathered that the disappeared were not just future teachers but were sons, brothers and friends.

Anne Daly of Esperanza Productions joined those who had gather to remember the disappeared students.

Esperanza Productions was co-founded by Anne Daly and Ronan Tynan. web: www.esperanza.ie twitter: @esperanzadocs Follow Anne Daly on Twitter: @AnneDaly19 Follow Ronan Tynan on Twitter: @RonanLTynan