Border Controls May Cause Prices to Rise

Sep 15, 2015, 05:29 PM

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Europe's migrants crisis seems to deepen by the day. Germany and Austria have called for an emergency summit of EU leaders to discuss the flow of refugees across Europe.

At a news conference in Berlin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany, Austria and Sweden can no longer handle the situation on their own.

The leaders were meeting after Germany imposed tougher controls on its border with Austria. It's led to chaotic scenes, as tens of thousands of refugees tried to enter Germany. But it's also been disruptive to the daily lives of Austrians and Germans.

The southern German region of Bavaria is Austria's largest trading partner. The two areas broadly operate as one economy.

Trucks transporting goods, people going to work and even children going to school have all been affected by the controls, as border police check documentation to ensure they are EU citizens and aren't harbouring refugees.

Alexander Klashka runs a transport company that operates in both countries. He told us about the delays his drivers are facing.

And Christian Mandl is from the Austrian Chamber of commerce. We asked him about the wider impact a departure from the borderless Schengen area is having on Austrian businesses.