Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #20

Nov 02, 2012, 04:59 PM

Episode image

1- You Didn?t Build That , in context with the truth2- Repub convention, if you build it we will come and laugh3- Small Businessman built it with money from government contracts4- Paul Ryan learned it with social security money5- Mia Love built it with 10 bucks6- Rush says Obama manipulated hurricane, I thought only THOR could manipulate hurricanes, maybe Storm from Xmen7- Hurricane heads for Tampa and could end in Ryan?s hometown I guess God wants to meet them8- Gov Jindal stays home, to ask for more federal money9- Apple Computer is gangsta Samsung is Apple?s bitch10- Smoking pot lowers IQ and memory, I think11- Texas judge says Obama re election will lead to civil war12- Mississippi combats teen pregnancy with less education13- Man eaten by grizzly bear he was photographing14- notice the link between topics 10-14 Aug 30, 2012