#91: Matt Mason - A Pirate's Life for Me

Jul 21, 2015, 08:00 AM

In 2015, Matt Mason was voted the 11th most creative person in business by Fast Company. The pirate radio dj turned magazine publisher turned marketer, turned BitTorrent whisperer boasts a number of claims to fame - including the only book on Amazon to become a best-seller in two simultaneous categories. He's written and produced TV series, screenplays, comic strips, apps and records, not to mention award-winning, global advertising campaigns. The last few years of his career have been dedicated to bridging the gaps between the piracy community and corporate America. On Innovation Crush, Matt gives a glimpse into his career, that time he was publicly threatened with jail time, and what the world would look like if money were no object. feat special guest co-host Eric Espinosa of TEDx LA.
