Out Now 205 - American Ultra And The End Of The Tour
This week’s episode of Out Now with Aaron and Abe is a Jesse Eisenberg special. Aaron and Abe are joined by Courtney Howard to discuss American Ultra and The End Of The Tour. Among topics covered, we have a fun round of Know Everybody (3:14), some Out Now Quickies™ (7:17), Trailer talk for Victor Frankenstein (19:12), the main reviews (24:42 and 35:30), Out Now Feedback (55:25), and Games (1:08:12). We then wrap things up (1:18:49) and end it all with some bloopers (1:29:17), following this week’s close out song. So now, if you’ve got an hour or so to kill… #AmericanUltra #TheEndOfTheTour #JesseEisenberg #JasonSegel #KristenStewart #Podcast #OutNow #StonerComedy #ActionComedy #Drama #Film #Movies #Entertainment