'Gaza on Gaza' Art Exhibition in London Made Possible By Channel 4's Jon Snow

Aug 08, 2015, 04:54 PM

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‘Gaza on Gaza’ is a very unique exhibition by Palestinian artists in response to the suffering inflicted on so many by the conflict last year. Most of the pieces are by children and teenagers with one installation – “If I Wasn’t There” - featuring 400 drawings on pieces of paper torn from cement bags given to their families to repair their homes. Through the eyes of children is a critical theme and makes this installation by well known Palestinian artist Majdal Nateel, who lives in Gaza city with her two daughters, especially moving.

Anne Daly went along to see the exhibition with Ronan Tynan filmmaker and human rights defender and met Palestinian blogger from Gaza Shahd Abusalama who knows many of the artists who featured in the exhibition personally.

This exhibition was reportedly made possible by Channel 4 broadcaster and journalist Jon Snow, who agreed to take the artworks out of Gaza as they would almost certainly not been allowed out by the Israeli military authorities, which continue to maintain a very strict blockade now in its 8th year.

‘Gaza on Gaza’ is taking place at the P21 Gallery in London and just opened on August 7 and will continue until the 22 of August, 2015.


= Anne Daly and Ronan Tynan are co-founders of award winning Esperanza Productions. web: www.esperanza.ie twitter: @esperanzadocs Follow Anne Daly on Twitter: @AnneDaly19 Follow Ronan Tynan on Twitter: @RonanLTynan