Hiring a Coach to Spark the Job Hunt #RadioTalkingBook Channel

Jul 18, 2015, 11:12 PM

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Career Corner is a program produced by the Minnesota Radio Talking Book Network, part of State Services for the Blind, and it is recorded for people are blind or have reading disabilities. You can listen to the stream of the Minnesota Radio Talking Book Network at www.mnssb.org/rtb, and the password is RTB. Your host, for Career Corner is Anne Obst.


New York Times Hiring a Coach to Spark the Job Hunt MARCH 7, 2015 By ROB WALKER My husband lost his high-level, overseas position after the company sold off his division. He has always been an ambitious, successful executive. But in the year since this job ended and we moved back to the United States, he has become depressed. His efforts to find new work, while sincere, have not been consistent. I am trying to be supportive and have never nagged him. I would like to find an executive coach for him to work with on his job search — someone who would help him strategize and hold him accountable. A friend recommended someone, but that person seemed like a waste of time and money: She suggested I start a children’s party service to tide us over, even though I have zero experience in that area. I think my husband would be open to working with a good coach who has experience working with C-level professionals, but he lacks the motivation and energy to find one himself. What is your advice? ANONYMOUS I wondered if it was bad sign that this coach-seeking inquiry wasn’t coming directly from the former executive in question. But Sheryl Spanier, an experienced executive coach based in Manhattan, tells me that it isn’t unusual for a family member to seek advice in this area. Whether you are asking for yourself or on behalf of someone else, be aware that lots of people are calling themselves coaches these days, Ms. Spanier says, adding that it’s an unregulated industry. Some have experience dealing with high-level executives, and backgrounds that include therapeutic training. Others may be brand new to the profession, or specialize in practical tactics like sprucing up a résumé. But getting recommendations from friends and acquaintances is a reasonable starting point. Gather several options and research the background and training of each. Ms. Spanier uses careercertification.org, the site of the Institute of Career Certification International (she is a former board member) to recommend coaches in other cities. Settle on a coach who understands what you need. In a case like yours, Ms. Spanier says, she would probably start not with your husband, but with you, to get a clearer sense of your concerns. Then tell your spouse about your research and offer him a few sessions as a gift. But get him to make the appointment. “He needs to take the first action,” Ms. Spanier says. In this case, the process probably shouldn’t start with job search techniques. If someone is in the wrong mind-set, Ms. Spanier says, “you do more damage, because they can’t do what you’re recommending.” A good coach should also be open to concluding that there may be a more serious depression at work that requires a doctor’s attention. Barring that situation, all parties should probably focus first on helping your husband understand that his situation is not a personal reflection of his abilities — and then move on to practical strategies that will help him find work again. When the Boss Is a Bully I work for a successful, growing company, owned by a husband and wife. The problem is that the wife yells at the employees every day. It goes beyond just being upset when things go wrong. She bullies and harasses people. This includes remarks related to race, gender, sexual orientation and whatever else she can think of. If a remark plays on an offensive stereotype, she claims it is a joke. This is demoralizing and makes it hard for us to do our jobs. It seems the owners think that because they own the company, they cannot be held responsible for anything they say or do. I would like to educate them and get them to change their behavior. Our human resources department can’t do anything. What can be done, realistically and practically? What government agencies would take an interest in this matter? It would help a lot of great people if I could do something about the situation. NEW YORK Your intentions are admirable. But you may want to think about interim steps before seeking government intervention. For starters, there’s a gap between a loudmouth bully and a boss with a penchant for blatantly discriminatory and offensive behavior. Discreetly canvass your colleagues and zero in on concrete examples of unacceptable remarks and their consequences. Next: Has anybody brought the issue squarely to the bosses’ attention? Believe it or not, they may not realize that the wife’s behavior is offending workers. I’m puzzled that the H.R. department “can’t do anything.” If it’s clear that the situation is a potential threat to the business, H.R. ought to take that message to management, and know how to do so. That said, an employee who believes that he or she is being subjected to a hostile work environment may file a discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the first step in a process that could lead to legal action. Perhaps this will turn out to be the only option, but it’s one that, at best, would be less about “educating” the bosses and more about “teaching them a lesson.” Details vary by state and company size, but a visit to eeoc.gov may help clarify the wisdom of pursuing that strategy.