Still Working to Halt Online Abuse

Jun 08, 2015, 03:04 PM

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Jayne (J. A.) Hitchcock is one of many individuals giving their all in the grass-roots, front-line effort to help children and teens cope with cyber abuse. Jayne heads up Working to Halt Online Abuse ( and to give not only advice, but hands-on free assistance to adults, as well as kids. Jayne passes on a steady stream of great tips for cyber citizens via Twitter (@Netcrimes) and is joined by her Siberian Husky (@Cybercrimedog) in visits to schools (and on Twitter!).

Dr. J reviews with Jayne her longtime involvement starting with legislation addressing E-mail abuse after being targeted herself, back in 1997. Since then, she has worked continually to help train law enforcement in how to deal effectively and considerately with reports of cybercrime. As J. A. Hitchcock, she has turned her talent as an author to the subject as well. You can read her 2006, second edition, of Net Crimes & Misdemeanors: Outmaneuvering Web Spammers, Stalkers, and Con Artists (with a Foreword by Vint Cerf) and from 2013, True Crime Online: Shocking Stories of Scamming, Stalking, Murder, and Mayhem, which are discussed in our interview.

Ms. Hitchcock explains how Phoebe, "The Cyber Crime Dog", has especially enabled discussion with early elementary school students. Problems online and with smart phones have become more of a problem for that age group in recent years, as online safety training has been aimed at older kids and teens for the most part. But Phoebe had developed cataracts, threatening to limit her participation in cybercrime fighting. Jayne and Dr. J discuss what needed to be done and the help Phoebe’s supporters can offer to offset the high cost of her eye surgery through

Although mass media and social media are great ways to increase awareness and educate the public, one-on-one, face-to-face work such as done by Jayne, and other guests on The Social Network Show, such as Darren and Beth Laur (@crimefighterguy), Rich Guerry (@RichardGuerry) and Carol Todd (@c_todd).

Jayne A. Hitchcock is an author and cyber bullying and cyber crime expert. She volunteers with the U.S. DOJ Office for Victims of Crime, the National Center for Victims of Crime, and law enforcement agencies worldwide. She has worked tirelessly with legislators in the drafting and passing of many of this country's Internet laws.

As president of WHOA (Working to Halt Online Abuse) at and WHOA-KTD (Kids/Teens Division) at, Jayne continues a mission to educate adults and children in online safety.

Jayne conducts law enforcement training for local, county, state, military and federal agencies. Her speaking schedule on cyber crime and cyber bullying includes elementary/middle/high schools, universities and colleges. She also lectures at libraries, conferences, and corporations. She has been featured on Swift Justice, America's Most Wanted, 48 Hours, Good Morning America, Cosmopolitan and TIME magazines, and local, national and international newscasts, and was selected by Lifetime TV as their "Champion For Change."

Jayne's eighth book, Net Crimes & Misdemeanors 2nd edition, covers just about anything that can happen online and how to stay safer ( Jayne's ninth book, True Crime Online: Shocking Stories of Scamming, Stalking, Murder and Mayhem is now available ( She is also on the editorial board of the International Journal of Cyber Crimes and Criminal Justice. She is a member of Operations Security Professionals Society, Sisters In Crime (national and New England), Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance, National Rifle Association (Life Member), The American Legion, and 3rd Marine Division Association (Life Member).