The Space Below

Jul 04, 2015, 12:51 PM

Episode image

Reimagined by Mark Taylor.

I tried out a number of field recordings for this project; walking around the central Birmingham area pointing my Zoom recorder at various rivers, canals, fountains etc…Nothing quite grabbed my imagination as I’d hoped!

Then back home my 16 year old son took an interest in what I was doing and instantly suggested our very own ‘Gurgling Basin’ – PERFECT!

30 minutes later - the field recording was finished and my mind was whirring with ideas after my son put his eye as close as possible to the plughole and asked “I wonder what’s actually down there?”

Using Camel Audio’s Alchemy environment I loaded up 4 different chunks from the original recording and set to work on the remix…

The final version uses granular and spectral techniques to warp the imported wave files + an additive synthesis layer weaving its way through the other threads to create the mysterious melodic motifs.

Part of our Sound Waves project for World Listening Day 2015 #WLD2015.

See for more.