Our lady is also the moon

Jul 01, 2015, 12:04 PM

Episode image

Our Botany Bay field recording, reimagined collaboratively by Andy Lyon and Kim Rueger.

‘Our Lady is Also The Moon’ started as an idea to use the Cities and Memory Botany Bay Margate sample as the backdrop for a reading from ‘The Sea Priestess’ by Dion Fortune. I thought that the reading would be more suited to a female voice and Kim sprung to mind straightaway because she had been interested in participating but previously hadn’t had time and collaboration seemed a good way to get involved if possible. Kim was very keen on the idea and the song developed from there. Kim said that she had two recordings that she had made of rain / storms ‘morerainstorm’ and ‘stereomoderaterain’ and these fitted perfectly with the theme of ‘The Sea Priestess’.

Part of the Sound Waves project for World Listening Day 2015 #WLD2015 - see www.citiesandmemory.com/soundwaves