Out Now 105 - Fast and Furious 6

May 29, 2013, 01:22 PM

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This week’s episode of Out Now with Aaron and Abe has all led to this: A review of Fast and Furious 6. Guests Jimmy O and Jose Cordova reunite with the A’s to talk about another Dwayne “The Rock, “The ‘D’ Is Silent” Johnson-starring film to discuss the latest entry in this high octane franchise and whether or not audiences deserve this brand of fun in the summer. All this chatter about cars going boom and there is still plenty of time for segments such as “Know Everybody”, “Out Now Quickies”, Movie Trailer Talk (Don Jon and Last Vegas), Box Office Results, “Movie Callback”, “Out Now Feedback”, Games, and other fun stuff. Plenty to go over in this week’s episode, as the gang really hits the NOS and floors it through another fun episode. So now, if you’ve got an hour to kill…