You are an engineer - Pudong airport

Mar 25, 2015, 12:11 PM

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David Mixco takes on the sounds of Pudong airport, using the Oblique Strategies cards 'you are an engineer' and 'what context would look right?'. He writes: "This one was pretty challenging as some of the techniques I used raised some challenges as far as some technical aspects are concerned. That is where the 'you are an engineer' card came in to play, I used all the possible engineering skills I know and have learned through out the years to get to a good point (in certain cases I would have trashed it). All the sounds heard (besides some low tone generation, nothing more) were from the airport recordings that went through extreme processing. Also, Im a bit mobile presently and so is my setup so I was very limited). The context is sort of soundtrack and ambient- the results of a limited setup and peculiarities in technical challenges."