What does Syriza's victory in Greece mean for Europe?

Jan 26, 2015, 07:26 PM

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Two emotions are running through Europe today.

In Greece, there's hope. Many people are counting on the new government to herald in a new era of prosperity. There's hope too amongst some in other struggling eurozone countries, that they could also could throw off the shackles of austerity

But elsewhere, particularly among the financial community, there is anxiety about how all of this will play out in the longer term.

The new Greek government says it wants to stay firmly IN the eurozone - but intends to renegotiate the country's debt burden, and spend more on health, raising wages and even re-nationalising services.

But what does it all mean for the future of Europe? Can the euro survive all this turmoil intact? We've been getting reaction from the London based economist, Roger Bootle of Capital Economics.