Sleep Paralysis

Dec 26, 2014, 08:53 PM

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Dreaming, everybody does it whether that maybe winning the lottery, getting a promotion or even having a nightmare because of a scary film you were forced to watch.

There are different sorts of dreaming though, more specifically “Sleep Paralysis”. Most people aren’t fully aware of what sleep paralysis is which is why this area of dreaming needs more research because what it actually is when you know you are awake but cannot move for a while, if this does happen then you have gone into paralysis and will probably see a figure in the room with most cases being reported with someone on top of you trying to physically attack you with some horrific cases from some people being sexually assaulted, this doesn’t actually happen but that’s one of the reasons why sleep paralysis is a scary topic for people to talk about.

In this feature our reporter Stephen Mitchell spoke to Professor Chris French at Goldsmiths University who receives funding for his research for sleep paralysis, and also explains why the human body enters paralysis.

Also Stephen speaks to Carla MacKinnon about her short film “Devil in the Room” which features stories from people mixed with stock motion to create a real life experience for the viewer about the feeling you get when your body enters sleep paralysis.