'New chapter' in US-Cuba ties

Dec 17, 2014, 06:07 PM

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They are separated by just 90 miles of water, but for decades, the United States and Cuba have been at each others' throats.

To Washington, Cuba and its former leader Fidel Castro became a symbol of the perils of communism.

To Cuba, the US came to embody the evils of capitalism.

But is all that about to change?

President Obama has announced a historic shift in US policy towards Cuba after years of sanctions, with moves planned to normalise diplomatic and economic ties.

The Cuban president Raul Castro also announced the talks aimed at re-establishing diplomatic relations to his people at the same time.

We assess the significance with Pedro Feyre, an expert in Cuban-American legal relations at Columbia Law School, and John Kavulich, Senior Policy Advisor at the U.S. Cuba Trade and Economic Council in New York.