The Remembrance Poppy

Dec 16, 2014, 05:29 PM

Episode image

After the incredible display put on at the Tower of London for the 2014 Remembrance day, the true symbolism's and origins of the poppy are explored to understand why the poppy is important. David Stevenson, Chair of International History specialising in World War One, uncovers the beginning of the remembrance poppy.

He tells the story's of the lives' that help create this tradition we all know and support today. The journey uncovers just how far the tradition has really come and the elements that have encouraged it's growth are discussed. He compares the context of the poem 'In Flanders Field' by John McRae to Wilfred Owen's 'Anthem for doomed youth'.

A visit to the poppy factory as Bill Kay, the general manager, tells us what the charity stands for and how it still supports people affected by war today. The factory's background and the reasoning for its creation is discovered during the programme, giving a real insight on all of it benefits and services it has to offer.

Bill Sulic, a worker at the poppy factory, shares his personal journey and experience of working in the factory. He talks of how the factory and its workers has supported him and others in similar situations.

Discover the meaning of what the remembrance poppy symbolises, and how it's journey, which has positively affected so many life's, really began all them years ago.