“If you’re going to play any part in life, make it a positive one” @AlexKane221b on Playing our Part with Age NI this Christmas #allagestogether

Dec 04, 2014, 12:13 PM

Episode image

'Playing Our Part' is BBC Northern Ireland's Christmas Appeal for 2014. We're working with local charity Age NI to highlight the needs and experiences of older people. All of us can probably think of an older person whose advice or support has made a big difference in our lives. They may have helped us through difficult times or even inspired us by their example. Saying thank-you to them may be something that we've never done before. But now, you can.

We want to hear your stories about an older person who has made a big difference in your life. It can be anyone and it doesn't have to be something dramatic. As we all know, sometimes it's a quiet word or gesture at the right time which can change our lives for the better. Who would you like to say thank-you to…?