Evening Prayer of Vespers 4 Global Unity & Peace Sat: 6 Sept'14

Sep 06, 2014, 04:31 PM

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Prayer is mankind's gift to our Loving Father Mother God Supreme for the many gifts that we each receive daily such as the air we breathe; fresh running water and the food in our body, etc. But, how many neglect 2 say 'Thank You God' and how many take for granted these free gifts when many are hungry and thirsty?Details about Brother Sean are available by visiting our website at http://www.celticfranciscanmonk.com http://barefootbrothersean.wordpress.com/http://www.youtube.com/brotherseanbradley Come and join us live every night 10.00PM (GMT) on our Livetream Virtual TV/Internet channel where we gather as children of Gaia and our Holy Father Mother God/Dess unite in reflective prayer, meditation with sacred chants/music to raise the Earth’s vibration ~ One Collective Consciousness ♥ Joy Love Peace UNITy http://www.livestream.com/franciscansoulmates4peace