Mick Gooda calls Abbott to bring CON-stitution rehash forward

Aug 22, 2014, 04:48 AM

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Mick's eyesight must have got worse if he hasn't seen the growing skepticism regarding the CON-stitution recognition farce by many First Nations people.

He fronted up for the the Nulungu Reconciliation Lecture at the University of Notre Dame, Broome with a lot of hoo har on the topic 'The Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Australian Constitution as an Act of Reconciliation.'

Mick called out to his mate Tony Abbott requesting the referendum to recognise Indigenous people in the Constitution is held by the end of 2015, imploring the Prime Minister to hold a vote before the next Federal election.

He says delays are no longer acceptable and the time has come to launch a 'proper debate' ... or is he getting itchy feet over the growing skepticism by First Nations people on this issue.