The role of the finance sector in Scotland's independence debate

Aug 20, 2014, 06:18 PM

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In 28 days' time, the people of Scotland will decide to stay part of the United Kingdom or go it alone as an independent nation.

All this week we're looking at the economic and finasncial factors weighing on voters' minds.

Today we're looking at the important banking sector.

In 2008, the UK government had to step-in and bailout the Edinburgh-based Royal Bank of Scotland.

It injected more than £46bn into the bank, which had so many customers across the UK that it was considered too big to fail.

RBS is far from the only financial services company based in Scotland which has a global reach.

BBC Scotland's economics correspondent Colletta Smith has been finding out what the Scottish independence referendum in might mean to one of the country's most lucrative sectors.