Careers Brits would most like to leave our jobs for

Jul 28, 2014, 04:06 PM

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Owning a cafe or a B&B and writing a novel are the top three careers we would most like to leave our jobs for, according to a new poll released today.

Owning a bar, becoming a chocolate taster, a travel writer or photographer, gardener, artist and food critic rounded out the top ten. Brits are keen to work for themselves as nearly half are looking for the opportunity to do something they love and a third of people admitting they don’t want to take orders from others anymore. According to the research the best age to set up a new business is 31.

However, while 70% of us dream about starting our own business, less than a fifth believe they will actually ever take the plunge and become their own boss, with the barriers to going it alone including not having enough money (42%), worries about the risks involved (35%), or just being too lazy (17%).

That’s despite the fact that almost half of us say we are so unhappy in our jobs that we believe our career choice was a mistake - with legal professionals the unhappiest, followed by manufacturing, hospitality, property and environmental services.

However, a survey of small business owners shows they have no regrets about working for themselves as more than 40% insist they could never go back, more than 80% would hate to be an employee and almost a quarter don’t believe they could take orders anymore.

The research, commissioned by Kalixa Pro to launch its Spirit of Small Business Awards which are open to entrepreneurs, small businesses and sole traders in the UK, reveals that more than half of small business owners value greater flexibility and freedom that comes from running their own company. Around 40% say they are now doing something they love and are enjoy making money for themselves instead of others.

But it’s not all good news. A third make less money and work longer hours than they expected. A quarter of owners struggle to get clients and customers to pay for work, while others cite dealing with mounting levels of bureaucracy and motivating staff as the hardest parts of the job. The difficulties can be so great that 18% actually want to go back to being an employee.

To help people follow their dreams and make a success of their own business, Ultimo owner and Kalixa Pro Spirit of Small Business awards ambassador, Michelle Mone talks about her journey from humble beginnings to becoming one of the UK’s most successful businesswomen and gives advice to those who want to follow in her footsteps.