
Jul 19, 2014, 07:46 PM

Episode image

Piseogs were charms or spells that when executed could lead to devastating results on their victims. Examples include the planting of eggs or meat on a neighbour's boundary that subsequently rotted or the stealing and burying of the treasured last sheaf of a neighbour's harvest. They were said to be at their most potent around May Day, particularly between May Eve dusk and dawn on May Day. Custom had it that this was a liminal time when the Otherworld's presence was closer and when either the Sí/faeries or the mortal charm setters with evil intent were at the height of their power. Sean McMahon tells us a bit more about this form of rural voodoo in his audio piece.

August 1966; A photo of a ring of eggs to demonstrate a piseog to Don O'Higgins of Associated Press.